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PSC Tagline Retriever Tools

PSC Tagline Retriever Tools

PSC tagline retriever tool makes it easy to guide and handle suspended taglines. PSC TRT enables personnels to guide the tagline from a safer distance and prevents any injuries.

PSC Tagline Retriever Tools

A safer way to retrieve Taglines.

PSC TRT – A tool developed to safely collect taglines without requiring a load handler to approach a suspended load too closely.
The PSC Tagline Retriever Tool is designed to aid with ‘hands-free’ lifting and tagline handling safety. A modified aluminum telescopic boat hook with a rubber buffer on the other end serves as the tool.
The hook end is extended to its full length (about 2.1m/7ft) to recover taglines strung vertically without requiring a load handler to approach a suspended load too closely.

When landing loads in confined or congested spaces, the rubber buffer is utilized to push against suspended loads to direct them.
This permits the operator to stay a safe distance away from the load until it lands. During this type of application, the poles would generally be fully retracted (for rigidity) because their length is 1.2m/4ft. They can, however, be utilized half-extended if necessary, but they will telescope in if too much pressure is applied.

A diagram of tagline retriever tools being used on suspended loads

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